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[국제경영론] Entering foreign markets (2)

국제경영론 International Business

Chapter. Entering foreign markets (2) 

How : what scale and what nature should this entry have? 

  • basic logic of entry mode : more money→ more control
  • equity: ownership = control → how much money put in project
  • entry mode 선택은 company’s resource, risk tolerance, ,,등등 어떤것이 늘 좋다고는 할수 없고 각각은 장단점이 있음
  • 전략적 자원과 타겟 시장의 특성에 따라 equity mode와 non equity mode로 나뉨
  1. non equity mode
    • export : direct exports, indirect exports
    • contractual agreements : licensing/franchising, turnkey projects, R&D contracts, co-marketing
  2. equity (FDI) mode : significant direct investment in foreign country → high level of commitment, and high risk
    • Joint ventures : minority JVs, 50/50 JVs, majority JVs
    • Wholly owned subsidiaries : green fields, acquisitions


  • Export
    • “domestically” produced products → sell abroaddon’t need new manufacture facility,, dont put money in entry market
    • → (1) through local independent agency or distributor in foreign country (indirect) or (2) directly to customers
    • Advantages:
      • Avoids cost of establishing manufacturing operations overseas
      • May help achieve the economies of scale
    • Disadvantages:
      • May compete with low-cost location manufacturers
      • Possible high transportation costs
      • Tariff barriers can make it uneconomical
      • Foreign agents fail to act in the exporter’s best interest
  • contractual agreements
    • Turnkey project
      • 특정 프로젝트를 시행할 때, 모든 설비가 완공되어 운영할 수 있는 상태로 하여 소유주에게 인도하기로 하는 계약 방식.
      • “Exporting firm” builds a facility overseas, starts it up → host country owner turn over → departs : exporting of process technology
      • ⇒ contractor agrees to handle every detail of project for foreign client
      • Ex: petroleum refining, chemical, pharmaceutical industries. bcs set up is complex and process is based on specifical knowledge
      • Advantages:
        • Can earn a return on knowledge asset (e.g., process technology) they can capitalize their IP
        • Less risky than conventional FDI once the project is complete and hand over
      • Disadvantages:
        • No long-term interest in the foreign country
        • Selling process technology may be selling competitive advantage as well -- May create a competitor
    • licensing
      • Licensor grants rights to licensee for
        • Intangible property use: patents, inventions, formulas, processes, designs, copyrights, trademarks
        • Specified period of time, Specified compensation
      • Licensee typically gives licensor
        • Quality assurance rights (quality control)
        • Strategic brand control if licensee sells to consumers using the licensor’s brand name (consistent image)
      ⇒ agreement in which licensor grants rights to intangible property to another entity for a specified period of time in return for royalties
      • Means to Reduce Risks : Cross-Licensing
        • Amgen and Kirin (양방향으로 기술을 교환, tech 회사에 유용한 방법, 노하우를 서로 공유, 리스크를 줄임, amgen 은 다국적 약 회사 , 바이오 테크의 선두 기업 , kirin 역시 약 산업에서 유명 they benefit each other)
      • advantage
        • Reduces development costs and risks of establishing foreign enterprise
        • Don’t need to commit substantial resources to unfamiliar or politically volatile foreign markets (foreign market은 때때로 정치적으로 unstable,,,)
        • Overcomes restrictive investment barriers. (india- 진행 절차가 굉장히 slow… 따라서 india같은 국가에서는 licensing이 최선의 entry mode일 수 있음. )
        • Others can develop business applications of intangible property.
      • disadvantage
        • Lack of control over manufacturing, marketing, and strategy (disney license: 장난감 만드는 업체에 디즈니 캐릭터 라이선스를 줌 → 그럼 장난감 만드는 업체들이 어떤 장난감을 어던 표정으로 만들지 정하기 때문에 디즈니는 lack of control임)
        • Inability to realize location and scale economies
        • Inability to engage in global strategic coordination (standardization 등과 관련)
        • May lose technology by licensing it (ex. RCA vs. Sony and Matsushita — (rca가 소니와 마수쉬타에게 기술을 라이센싱을 함 → 소니와 마수쉬타가 더 잘하게 됨 → rca의 기술자들이 티비 시장에서 직업을 잃게 됨 )
    • franchising
      • Franchisor, grants franchisee use of intangibles under the condition that franchisee follow strict rules of operating the business
      • Mode of operation is part of the brand image
      • Licensing과 similar
      • Franchiser sells intangible property and insists on rules for operating business
      (franchisor 은 상품규격, 스토어 디자인, 마켓 전략 등에 관한 엄격한 가이드라인등을 따라야함 → brand image consistent 하게 하기 위해 )
      • Advantages
        • Reduces costs and risk of establishing foreign operations (rent, marketing, hire등의 비용을 전부 내지는 않아도됨- local owners use mcdonald brand and pay loyalty, franchising fee to mcdonald)
      • Disadvantages
        • May prohibit movement of profits from one country to support operations in another country (외국에서 돈을 버는 것이니,,)
        • Quality control (master franchising subsidiary)
  • Joint ventures (JV)
    • Firms owned jointly by two or more independent firms; (multiple owners→business partnership, to create new company, share the risk, profit, cost)
    • International JVs : One (or more) parent firms are non-resident in the host market
    • Advantages
      • Benefit from the partner’s knowledge (collaborate → learn form each other, new insight, new tech,better understnad local market)
      • Shared costs/risks with a partner
      • Reduced political risks
    • Disadvantages
      • Risk giving control of technology to partner
      • May not have the tight control over subsidiaries for location and scale economies
      • Shared ownership can lead to conflicts
    • minority JVs (less than 50% ownership), 50/50 JVs(split equally between company and foreign partner), majority JVs (your company will have most conrol)
  • Wholly owned subsidiaries (WOS)
    • whollly owned subsidiearies (100% ownership, control) : green fields, acquisition, others
    • Firms solely owned by a company in a foreign country subsidiaries could be greenfield investment or acquisitions
    • Advantages
      • No risk of losing technical competence to a competitor
      • Tight control of operations for global coordination
      • Realize location and scale economies
    • Disadvantage
      • Bear full cost and risk (greenfield investment같은,, hight risk high return)
      • Slower to implement


selecting an entry mode (how to select entry mode)
: core comepetency 와 cost reduction presssure 고려

  • core competencies & entry mode
    • technological know-how
      • if competitive advantage is proprietary tech → licensing, JV 피할 것 → minimize the risk of losing control over tech
      • tech advantage is transitory (일시적인) or firm can establish its tech as the dominant design →licensing 매력적 (high tech들, licensing은 테크놀로지 spread를 빠르게 만들어주므로)
    • management know-how
      • 많은 서비스 회사들의 경쟁우위는 management know how임 , International trademark laws are generally effective for protecting trademarks
      • risk of losing control over management skills to franchisees or joint venture partners is low
      • → Many service firms favor a combination of franchising and master subsidiaries (WOS/JV) to control the franchises within particular countries or regions.
  • cost reduction pressure & entry mode
    • 강한 비용 절감 압박을 직면하는 회사들 → pursue combination of exporting and wholly owned subsidiaries (how the firm keep tight control, wos-the subsidiary→ advantage of control the cost and so on. how to match the global strategy is another issue.
    • → Allows the firm to achieve location and scale economies as well as retain some degree of control over worldwide product manufacturing and distribution.
    • global standardization or transnational strategies → tend to establish wholly owned subsidiaries
  • green field vs acquisition (dominance of market에 따라 둘 중 하나를 선택할 수 있음)
    • acquisiton
      • pro : Quicker to execute., Enable firms to preempt their competitors., Enable firms to overcome entry barriers., Can be less risky than greenfield ventures.
      • con : However, many acquisitions are not successful
      Why Do Acquisitions Fail?
      • Inadequate pre-acquisition screening.
      • Firm overpays for the assets of the acquired firm.
      • Buy the wrong company
      • Clash between the cultures of the acquiring and acquired firm.
      • Optimism about value creation (hubris)
      • Attempts to realize gains by integrating the operations of the acquired and acquiring entities run into roadblocks and take much longer than forecast.
      • (Bad) Fail to realize proposed synergies
      • (Worse) Destroy what you’ve bought!
    • green field
      • Greenfield ventures are attractive because they allow the firm to build the kind of subsidiary company that it wants.
      • Disadvantages of establishing a greenfield venture: • Slower to establish. • Risky because they have no proven track record. • Can be problematic if a competitor enters via acquisition and quickly builds market share.
      Which Choice?− If there are no incumbents or the firm’s competitive advantage is based on the transfer of organizationally embedded competencies, skills, routines, and culture, greenfield might be best. • Things such as skills and organizational culture are much easier to embed in a new venture than in an acquired entity
    • − Dependent on circumstances confronting the firm. − If there are already well-established incumbent enterprises or interest from global competitors, an acquisition is best. • Greenfield may be too slow to establish a presence.
  • Strategic Alliance: Formal and mutually agreed commercial collaboration between companies
  • Joint Venture: Separate legal organization entity representing the joint equity holdings of two or more parent firms
  • joint venture in strategic alliance 친구랑 같이 렌트를 하거나 혹은 같이 집을 사거나 둘 중 하나를 고르는 것과 비슷 , tech knowhow등을 공유할 수 있음, share cost, risk,, promise (?) - how much commitment u want to give and achieve에 따라 달라짐
  • range of strategic alliances
    • cross licensing: 서로 맞바꿈, win win for company, → R&D consortia : company share brain power, learn together, but not share secret each other, → co-production (energy에서 좋음,, ) → top is JV ! company comes together