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[조직행동론] Perception decision_Attribution theory, Decision-making tool, delphi technique 조직행동론 Organizational Behavior Chapter. Perception decision perceptual process and phenomena perception : process through which a person senses, selects, organizes, and interpret simuli 우리는 하루에 엄청나게 많은 것을 sense 함, 많이 하고자 하면 많이 할 수 있음. our attention is limited → select 되어야함 → organize all kinds of information person perception: making judgement about others [Attribution theory] When individuals ob..
[조직행동론] Personal characteristics_태도, 행동, Organizational Commitment, work satisfaction 조직행동론 Organizational Behavior Chapter. Personal characteristics attitude and behavior, interrelationship attitude-behavior relationship attitude: belief, feeling, action plan associated with a stimulus object (object, person, group, experience,…) component: cognitive, affective (감정적인 것들 i hate them but dont know why), behavioral (whenever u see piano, u start hmming..) the base of certain attitu..
[조직행동론] organizational structure and design_조직 구조 differentiation, centralization, integration 조직행동론 Organizational Behavior Chapter. Organizational structure & design Definition of design & structure 설계와 구조는 함께 가는 것 organizational design 정의: process of 1) defining and 2) coordinating organizational structure elements. This is an architectural task. (draw blueprint) 목적: to create a design that will coordinate organizationa tasks & motivate people to achieve objectives. Challenge: To choos..
[조직행동론] 직무설계_job design, job characteristic model, team based design, work schedule 조직행동론 Organizational Behavior Chapter. Job design key definitions of job design individually assing , 일의 내용, 범위, 책임, 업무특서을 정의하고 개선하는 것을 목표로 함 task: a piece of work to be done (교수: researching, teaching, ,,, → need to do both in order to be professor) job: a collection of tasks that compose a complete job (더 큰 개념) job design: allocation of specific tasks and objectives to employees’ jobs, thus cr..
[조직행동론] Organizational Strategy_미션, 전략적 목표, 운영 계획 설정_9-step strategic planning model 조직행동론 Organizational Behavior Chapter. Organizational Strategy planning function에 해당 strategic planning 이란? hierarchy process 회사를 경쟁사, 소비자 반응 등의 환경에 포지셔닝 해두고 → provide long term vision and focus for the org strategic planning level divisional: 조직을 지역, 사업부 등으로 나눈 후 부문의 목표와 우선순위 , 전체조직의 목표와 일치해야함 functional : 재무, 마케팅, 개발 등 각 기능이 자신의 역할과 책임을 어떻게 수행하고 전체 목표 달성에 기여할지 organizatonal : 조직전체의 전략, 장기적인 목표..
[조직행동론] Organizations, members, management_조직이란, 경영의 목적, 과거와 현재의 경영 마인드셋 조직행동론 Organizational Behavior Chapter. Organizations, members, management organization OB organizational behavior An interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work. (based on multiple foundational model science : psychology,,,, 등) Looking at relationships, attempting to attribute causes and effects, and drawing on conclusions based on scientific evidence (s..
[조직행동론] Change in organization 조직행동론 Organizational Behavior Chapter. Change change species must change or they will die dinosaur: some have failed to change and have died person: some have changed and have thrived organization, too, must change or die ! leaving: 회사를 떠남 active resistance : 변화에 저항하겠다고 화를 내며 크게 이야기하는 여자, 다른 사람도 변화에 함께 반대하도록 끌어들임 opposition : 변화가 너무 빠른 것 같다고 슬로우 다운하겠다고 말로 조곤조곤 이야기하는 남자, 저항의 레벨이 위에꺼보다는 낮지만, oppos..
[조직행동론] Organizational Culture 조직행동론 Organizational Behavior Chapter. Organizational Culture 정의: the set of values, guiding beliefs, understandings, ways of thinking, and norms shared by members of an organization (people’s shared values) 7 primary characteristics : innovation and risk taking , attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness, stability 기능 internal integration ext..
