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[조직행동론] Perception decision_Attribution theory, Decision-making tool, delphi technique

조직행동론 Organizational Behavior

Chapter. Perception decision 

perceptual process and phenomena

  • perception : process through which a person senses, selects, organizes, and interpret simuli
  • 우리는 하루에 엄청나게 많은 것을 sense 함, 많이 하고자 하면 많이 할 수 있음. our attention is limited → select 되어야함 → organize all kinds of information

  • person perception: making judgement about others
    • [Attribution theory]
      • When individuals observe behavior, attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused
    • (학생이 수업에 오지 않음, 눈이 왔는 날이다, 그럼 이유가 뭘까?) 다음 3가지를 고려해야함
    • Distinctiveness: shows different behaviors in different situations (학생이 오지 않음 → 지난 시간에 학생이 제시간에 왔던가? 그렇다 → 그럼 눈 때문이겠구나 )
    • Consensus: response is the same as others to same situation (다른 학생들도 많이 안옴 → consensus high → weather 을 원인이라고 더 강하게 생각함)
    • Consistency: responds in the same way over time 지난번에 눈이 왔을 때에도 늦었나 ? 그렇다 → consistency high → bcs of her or bcs of weather ?
    • attribution process
      • (all kinds of conclution from three indicates consistently → more confidenc, if it is not consistent → redue confidence about conclusion을 줄여야함)
  • common perceptual phenomena (cognitive bias)
    • errors and biases in attribution
      • Fundamental attribution error
        • The tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behavior of others.
      • Self-serving bias
        • The tendency for individuals to attribute their own success to internal factors while putting blame for failures on external factors
    • frequently used shortcuts in judging others
      • Selective perception
        • People selectively interpret what they see on the basis of their interests, background, experience, and attitudes.
        • 빙산의 일각만을 보고 빠른 판단을 해버리는 것
      • Stereotyping
        • Judging someone on the basis of one’s perception of the group to which that person belongs.
        • generalized belief about a particular category of people, overgeneralized, overanalyzed, and inaccurate, but sometiems it is accurate
      • Contrast effect
        • Evaluation of a person’s characteristics that are affected by comparisons with other people recently encountered who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics.
        • (더 작거나 더 큰 자극에 연속적으로 또는 동시에 노출되는 결과로 인한 인식의 향상 또는 감소)
      • Halo effect
        • Drawing a general impression about an individual on the basis of a single characteristic
        • (후광효과, 긍정과 부정 모든 방향으로 일어날 수 있음)



choice to solving

  • choice making: The narrow set of activities associated with choosing one option from among already identified alternatives
    • 2개 중에 1개를 고르는 것 등, 친구랑 밥먹을 때 중국집 vs 한식 : it is part of decision making !
  • decision making : The process of specifying a problem or opportunity, identifying alternatives & criteria, evaluating alternatives, and selecting from among the alternatives
  • problem solving: (implementation of decision을 포함하고 있음)
    • Includes decision-making process
    • Implementation of decision
    • Monitoring of impact
    • Revising action
    • Achieving objectives
  • Decision standards & models
    • decision standards
      • Optimize: Find the best possible decision → maximize → satifice 순서, economics로 부터 나온 개념
      • Maximize: Find decision that meets maximum number of criteria
      • Satisfice: Find the first satisfactory solution
    • decision model
      • The rational/economic person
        • Person is rational and deals with objective facts
        • Person is economically motivated (they can calculate)
        • Decisions are driven by objective rationality and a search for the best possible alternative (optimizing)
      • The administrative person (Herbert Simon)
        • Person is limited by restricted cognitive capacity
        • Person is aware of only certain alternatives
        • Person considers only certain criteria (personality, home, major,,,)
        • Decisions are driven by desire to identify and select the first acceptable alternative (satisficing)
  • Individual v. group decisions
    • Advantages
      • Greater knowledge and facts, Broader perspectives on issues, More alternatives considered, Greater satisfaction with and support of decisions, Better problem comprehension
    • Disadvantages
      • Less speed, Compromise may damage decision quality, Premature decisions, Negative social pressure, Individual domination, Interference of personal goals



Decision-making phenomena

  • Group shift (risky, cautious)
    • The risky shift
      • (80%의 사람들은 더 위험한 결정을 내린다 개인일때보다 팀일 때 ,,)
      • Group discussion makes decision situation more familiar
      • Diffusion of responsibility
      • Risk persuaders
      • Cultural values and desire for approval from others in the group
    • The cautious shift (only 10% and the other 10% : no differences)
      • Far less common than risky shift
      • Group discussion makes decision risks more clear
      • Personal acceptance of responsibility
      • Cautious persuaders
      • Cultural values and desire for approval from others in the group
  • Groupthink
    • A group drive for consensus so strong that dissent is (intentionally and unintentionally) suppressed
  • Escalation of commitment
    • Adhering to an unsuccessful course of action with increasing commitment of resources
    • factors that drive escalation
    • other escalation consideration
      • What about the following?
        • Involvement in original decision
        • Organization culture differences
      • Recommendation for managers?



Decision-making tools

  • 중요도와 시간 급박도에 따라서 다양한 툴을 선택하여 사용하면 됨, your own version을 이용 가능
  • perceptual foundation before making any decision andthen move on to distinction (the choise making , decision making? ) and we address decision making step, and theoretical decision making and so on,
  • three : grup, esc, organization relevant decision making phenomana, and
  • brainstorming (3분 만에도 가능 굉장히 간편함)
    • Stimulate people to develop alternatives during the planning and decision-making process. Focus on identifying alternatives.
  • nominal group technique (조금 더 오래걸림 2시간은 걸림)
    • Generate a large number of creative potential solutions to a problem or opportunity, evaluate these solutions, and rank them from most to least promising
    • 4-steps
      • Generation of ideas in writing (similar first step with brainstorming)
      • Round-robin recording of ideas (flow chart, whiteboard 등,, 그리고 나오는 모든 아이디어를 기록)
      • Serial discussion of ideas (15개의 다른 아이디어들→ 그리고 한번에 하나씩 )
      • Ranking of ideas (rank ideas를 most promising 부터 least promising까지)
  • delphi technique (더 오래 걸림)
    • Gathers and evaluates information from a group without physically assembling its members
    • Steps
      • Develop the Delphi question and the first inquiry
      • Collect first response
      • Analyze first response, provide feedback, and develop second inquiry
      • Collect second response
      • Continue process until a clear solution emerges