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[조직행동론] Organizations, members, management_조직이란, 경영의 목적, 과거와 현재의 경영 마인드셋

조직행동론 Organizational Behavior

Chapter. Organizations, members, management


  • OB
    • organizational behavior
      • An interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work. (based on multiple foundational model science : psychology,,,, 등)
      • Looking at relationships, attempting to attribute causes and effects, and drawing on conclusions based on scientific evidence (systemetic)
    • 경영과 OB에 있어서의 절대적인 것은 거의 없음 few absolutes in management and organizational behavior
      • contingency variables 상황 변수상황변수들- 나의 능력은 뛰어난데 회사에서 그걸 막고 안좋은 부서에 배치함 → 열심히 일 안하고 오히려 보복하고 싶어짐, 승마선수를 하고싶은데 좋은 말을 사야하는데 돈이 없음, 변수를 뭐로 설정하냐에 따라 여러가지 상황 변수들이 생겨날 수 있음= contexeul variable
      • situational factors 상황적인 요인들: variables that moderate the relationship between two or more other variables and improve the corrections
  • organization: 1) social entity (2, more people), 2) goal is directed, 3) deliberately structured (tasks are divided and responsibility assigned)
  • family는 deliberately structured가 아니므로
  • elements of org (model of org)
    • participants : individuals who make contribution to organization they get compensation (비영리 단체에서도 satisfacation등과 같은 것을 )
    • goals : desired outcome 기대하는 결과 that participants attempt to achieve (shared)
    • social structure :
      • normative structure : value, norms, role expectation → pre-scriptive (김교수, 정교수 이렇게 평등하게 부르는 것이 맞음)
      • behavioral structure : activities, interactions, sentiments → actually scriptive (실제로는 선배, 형 이라고 부르는 교수들) what actually happened reality
    • technology : mechanism for transforming inputs into outputs
      • any type of organization use certain tech in the process of input to output, it could be tangible
    • environment : → organization그 자체를 제외한 모든 것
      • technical environment : nature and sources of input, market for output, competitors →=task environment : more direct impact
      • institutional environment : norm, regulation, laws, politics →=general environment : less direct impaact
    • ex. FDA (food and drug agent) vs political consuling company


management and manager

  • primary objectives of manaement 경영의 일차적인 목적
    • attainment of organizational goals in an effective, efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, controlling organizational resources → business: there’s competition → performance가 effective, efficient is necessary to survive
  • manager’s primary outcome responsibilities
    • effectiveness : degree to which the oganization achieves its stated goal satisfy necessary condition
    • efficiency : use of minimal resources (material, money, people) to produce desired goal →effective 없이 efficient 하기만 하면 금방 실패
    • performance : ability to attain goals by using resources in an efficient and effective manner
  • four managment functions 경영의 4가지 기능
    • planning : defining goals for future organizational performance and deciding on tasks and resource use needed to attain them
    • organizing : asigning tasks, grouping tasks into jobs and units and allocating resources to units
    • leading (directing) : use of influence to motivate employee and teams to achieve goals
    • controlling : monitoring, evaluating employee and team activities, keeping them and organization on track toward goals and making corrections as needed
    • → set direction → how to utilize resource → execution, encourage and lead people → monitoring (not manipulating)
  • Manager’s role & needed skill
    • role
      • informational : 정보관리 역할 monitor, disseminator, spokesperson
        • seeking info, collect and monitor info → shared info to organization (내외부 모두)
      • interpersonal : 대인관리 역할 figurehead, leader, liaison
      • decisional : (decision making) entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource (always limited) allocator →who gets more, negotiator (with another departmen, interpersonal role이기도 한 negotiation)
    • skill →always need to have all these 3
      • conceptual : cognitive ability to see orgatnization as a whole and relationships among parts
      • human : ability to work with and through other people and to work effectively as group member and leader
      • technical : undersanding of and proficienct in performance of specific tasks
      • 빅픽처를 그리는능력, 사람과 함께 일하는, 그리고 전문성 , human skill은 언제나 중요함


traditional & emerging

  • traditional management mind set (some type of company now use it, especially is korea 갑질)
    • tight top down control
    • employee seperation and specialization (tiny part of work → easy to replace, employee 랑 manager은 다름)
    • management through impersonal measurement and analysis (totally quantify)
  • changes bring about managemet revolution
    • Global competition, Cutbacks in personnel, World wide economic, political, and social shifts
    • Cultural changes (대우받지 못하면 그냥 퇴사하는 분위기), Diversity of the workforce (sns 등 통해), Request for sharing of power (권리로서 가지고자)
    • New decision makers, Technological changes, Others
  • organization focus traditioanl vertical org new learning org
market domestic global
workforce homogenous diverse
technology mechanical electronic
values stability, efficiency, want to be same change, chaos, new opportunity
  • management competency traditioanl vertical org new learning org
focus profit  
no ethic employee and consumer  
ethic, purpose of company    
leadership autocratic 독재 dispered empowering
doing work individuals team
relationship conflict, competition collaboration (important!)
  • 전통적인 경영 마인드셋: 탑다운, impersonal 정량적 성과 측정과 분석, employee separtaion, specialization
  • management reveolution으로 인한 변화문화의 변화 (대우받지 못하면 퇴사), Diversity of the workforce, Request for sharing of power (권리로서)
  • 정치 경제 사회적인 변화, 기술의 발전, 글로벌한 경쟁, 인력의 감축
  • criteria for evaluating organizations & managers
    • Forunte : 2가지 기업 소개: most admired & best company to work for (buss, magazine)
    • 가장 존경받는 기업의 기준들 (20년 전에는 없었던 기준, 시간이 지날수록 사회적 책임과 사람 경영이 중요해짐)
    • ability to attract and retain talented people, social responsibility, quality of products and goods quality of management, wise use of corporate assets, financial soundness, long term investment value, innovativeness, effectiveness in doing business globally
    best company to work for : wegmans, cisco, sas, southwest, hilton
    • 직원의 만족도
    • 일할 회사를 고를 때 중요하게 생각하는 기준이 무엇인가요?
    • 이 기준들이 중요한 이유는?
    • 당신이 일하고 싶은 특정 회사가 있나요?
  • most admired company : fortune, microsoft