조직행동론 Organizational Behavior
Chapter. Organizational Strategy
- planning function에 해당
- strategic planning 이란? hierarchy process
- 회사를 경쟁사, 소비자 반응 등의 환경에 포지셔닝 해두고 → provide long term vision and focus for the org
strategic planning level
- divisional: 조직을 지역, 사업부 등으로 나눈 후 부문의 목표와 우선순위 , 전체조직의 목표와 일치해야함
- functional : 재무, 마케팅, 개발 등 각 기능이 자신의 역할과 책임을 어떻게 수행하고 전체 목표 달성에 기여할지
- organizatonal : 조직전체의 전략, 장기적인 목표 미션 가치관 대외환경 분석등
- mission statement
- 최소 구성 요건: in/external environment, organization’s capabilities, nature of org’s customer, client
- 과거에는 수익성 극대화에 집중하는 양상, 사회적책임은 별로 고려안함 ,, 요즘은 여러 이해관계자와 사회적 가치를 고려
- why exist and what want to be in future (near future - vision)
- strategic objective
- 5% growth in this physical year. ⇒ 안됨, growth라는 단어가 defined 되지 않음
- to serve mission, definable and measurable accomplishment that when met → fulfill org’s mission
- operational plan
- 목표가 바뀌지 않아도 바뀌어야할 경우가 있음,
- to serve objective , how to meet objectives, detailed procedure, it is diverse
- benefit of strategic planning (advantage)
- facilitate org’s effectiveness and keep focus on mission (멤버들에게 미션에 대해 리마인드 시키기)
- improve systematic behavior (더많은 정보가 가능해짐) → reduce guesswrok on decision → encourage consideration of more alternatives, drives better decisions with fewer mistakes
- potential problems of strategic planning (disadvantage)
- planners can fall out of touch (isolation from reality)
- assumption that plan will work because it was carefully developed
- feeling that creativity (flexibility) is inhibited 창의력 저해
- missed opportunities (environment chages fast,,, too focus on plan, miss opoor)
- failure to adapt if lack of monitoring and adjustment of plan
- evaluation guide
- Verify mission statement → clearly states why organization exists & verify org’s members believe in mission (captures essence of ogr’s reason of existence)
- Identify/eliminate deficiencies contamination
- mission statement example 1
- To develop & disseminate knowledge that will enhance the effectiveness of organizations and their members
- public school, focus on educaton
- To educate, mentor, and empower students to become accomplished business professionals and lifelong learners in a dynamic and complex world; to create a learning environment that fosters scholarly efforts by both faculty and students; to advance the professions through the creation and dissemination of new knowledge; and to enhance student learning through effective and innovative methods of teaching
- mission statement example 2
- home and health care organization (1990년대에는 미션,, 목표와 더 비슷)
- • Provide quality health care to the community (can be combined) • Provide superior service to patients (can be combined) • Provide community service and support • Provide employees with growth and self-esteem opportunities • Keep costs below maximum limit (부적격) • Achieve stable organizational growth (부적격)
- mission statement example 3 (good ex)
- 3M is committed to actively contributing to sustainable development [through environmental protection, social responsibility and economic progress.]
- The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service [delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and Company Spirit.
- We are committed to provide our Employees a stable work environment with equal opportunity for learning and personal growth. Creativity and innovation are encouraged for improving the effectiveness of Southwest Airlines. Above all, Employees will be provided the same concern, respect, and caring attitude within the organization that they are expected to share externally with every Southwest Customer.
- Verify mission statement → clearly states why organization exists & verify org’s members believe in mission (captures essence of ogr’s reason of existence)
9-step strategic planning model (이거만 있는 거는 아니고 변주를 줄 수 있음 )
- planning awareness
- take stock of current situation
- examine domain commitments, stakeholders’ expectations, current mission, environmental context
- goal formulation
- 존재의 이유를 → 기존 회사의 경우 verify, 새로운 회사의 경우 affirm
- tentative mission을 정의하고 tentative strategic objectives를 설립
- environmental analysis (be systematic) (internal and external)
- General Environment : 산업, 정치적, 문화적, 기술적, 경제적 정보
- Task Environment: 공급자 정보, 규제 에이전시 정보, 경쟁사 정보, 시장 및 소비자 정보
- organizatinal resource analysis (internal analysis)
- 내부 자원의 장단점, 기술의 능력, 직원들의 역량, 문화와 구조, 경쟁우위와 그 외의 것
- opportunity and threat identification (existing and new)
- evaluate results of environmental scan, evaluate results of organizational scan
- gap analysis
- estimante how goals from step 2 will be met if current strategy is not changed
- 위협에 대응하고 기회를 활용하기위해 전략과 목표를 변경해야할 때 성과 갭이 존재한다
- design strategy (여기까지 하면 실행 준비 완료)
- If no gaps, reaffirm existing plan & continue
- If gaps, consider changes in mission, strategic objectives, and/or operational strategies
- Apply 4 tests : goal consistency, frame, competence, workability
- Are goals, objectives, and policies consistent with one another?
- Does strategy focus efforts and resources on crucial issues? (우선순위가 잘 되어있는지)
- Does strategy use existing organizational resources & competencies? (do we have them?)
- Is there evidence the plan will work? Are the resources available?
- strategy implementation (leading role)
- organizational strategy → compatible unit strategy → supportive functional strategy
- progress measurement and control (끝나는 것 아님, iterate 반복!)
- Collect outcome measures, process measures
- Ask if strategic objectives are being met and operational plans are being followed
- Change actions and/or the plan
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