조직행동론 Organizational Behavior
Chapter. Organizational structure & design
Definition of design & structure
- 설계와 구조는 함께 가는 것
- organizational design
- 정의: process of 1) defining and 2) coordinating organizational structure elements. This is an architectural task. (draw blueprint)
- 목적: to create a design that will coordinate organizationa tasks & motivate people to achieve objectives.
- Challenge: To choose appropriate levels and types of vertical and horizontal differentiation (divide org, team? divison? ) and integration (how to intergrate them back together to work like unity) (조직이 커져서 필요한 과정임)
- organizational structure
- 정의: definition, ditribution, arragement of interlocking roles (ie who does what) , This is created by building what the architects designed
- 고려사항: differentiation, integration, centralization, formalization
- impact of desing and structure
- why should we consider organizational design and structure?
- Physical appearance of organization (taller or wider)
- Nature of jobs
- Efficiency of organization (flexible or not)
- Effectiveness of organization(flexible or not)
- Relationships with other organizations (external stakeholders too)
- Nature and quality of work experience for organizational members
- Organizational culture
- sub-unit, authority, control
- allocation of people and resources to tasks and establishment of task and authority relationships
- identifies total set of organization tasks
- divides tasks into jobs, departments, divisions
- assigns authority and authority relationships
- include both horizontal and vertical differentiation
- horizontal: way an organization groups tasks into jobs/roles and jobs/roles into sub-units
- establish the division of labor and level of specialization
- defines personal tasks and responsibilities + deadline → combine, work together
- highly specialized jobs have narrow range of tasks ↔ less specialized jobs have broad range of tasks
- specialization has good quality, narrowly defined ↔ low specialized job has wide range of skills and knowledge, more influence in organization
- subunit choices departments, divisions, etc.
- functional : based on functions performed (prouction, sales, research 등)
- matrix: based on a combination of function, product, customer, and geography. created dual authority and dual responsibility
- (efficient & confusion → should be made by org)
- establish the division of labor and level of specialization
- vertical : design of hierarchy with reporting relationships to link roles and sub-units
- hierarchy: classification of people according to authority and rank
- defines who reports to whom (hierarchy of authority)
- tall organization have many level (과거 신입사원과 임원급 사이에 평균 14명 총 16 level 요즘은 이렇게 tall 하진 않음)
- flat organization have few level
- there’s no absolute criteria but an relative compare with other comapanies
- defines area of responsibility (span of control)
- the number of organizational members who report to a manager
- wide span of control: one manager supervieses many member
- (manage many people → need less manager → (1) reduce operational cost (wage가 적게 지출됨), (2) develop bigger picture (because many people report to you so better understand what’s going on, more power of manager → quick decision) ↔ dis: not easy to cluster team opinion
- narrow span of control: one manager supervises a small number of member
- (manage few people → easy to have personal relationship 4-5people ↔ mircro manager : try to give sooo detail direction (매니저 입장에선 책임을 다하는 거지만 사원의 입장에서는 굉장히 불편)
- wide 의 장점은 narrow 의 단점, 그리고 그 반대 mirror, translate 됨
- horizontal: way an organization groups tasks into jobs/roles and jobs/roles into sub-units
- Integration: The process of coordinating tasks, functions, sub-units so they work effectively together & not at cross-purposes
- Challenge: Now that we have differentiated both vertically and horizontally, how do we integrate? (diffe 가 너무 심하면 chaos..)
- integrating mechanism
- Hierarchy of authority (base line mechanism of integrating mechanism)
- Direct Contact (개인: a가 기획을 대표, b가 개발을 대표, 두 부서 사이 문제 발생 시 둘이 먼저 만나서 이야기함)
- Liaison Role: Person’s part of job (relation 의 프랑스어 liaison, 비슷한데 조금 다름 , 3rd came and make decision, manage conflict, debate )
- Task Force: Temporary committees (temporary comittee 구성, possible from many department → 문제 해결되면 dissolve : useful coordination for time to time)
- Team: Permanent committees
- Integrating role: Person’s entire job (개개인이 한 부서, 파트를 대표하는 것이 아니라 전체의 통합을 위해 일하는 개인들, 한 사람이 부서에 속하지 않고 통합에만 집중)
- Integrating department: Sole purpose (혹은 아예 부서를 만들어버림)
- Highly Centralized Authority (decision making: small amount people)
- Authority given to a few top managers (multiple layer of hierarchy), allowing decisions to be made by those with the “big picture”
- Facilitates development of a few “masters of knowledge”
- Provides non-decision makers the freedom to perform technical tasks with fewer distractions
- (장점 : master of knowlege → manager 단점: all other people free of responsibility - no dicison)
- 낮은 레벨의 사람들은 의사결정의 책임으로부터 free 하게 해줄 수 있음 의외로 책임지고 싶어하지 않는 사람도 있음, 과거에 많이 쓰이던 방식
- Decentralized Authority (decision making :wide range of people)
- Authority distributed throughout the organization (flexibility, flatter structure) (가끔은 one person이 모든 결정을 하긴 힘듦)
- Allows leaner organizations and fewer levels
- Allows those closest to problems and opportunities to make decisions
- Is received favorably by many organizational members
- who knows the problem better : employee, ceo가 어쩌면 문제를 알게되는 마지막 사람일수도, 실제 고객을 만나는 일이 잘 없기 때문, 많은 younger generation org에서 나타남
- (flat org 이더라도 high centralization일 수 있음 span of contral 과 centralization)
- formalization
- High formalization: Formal rules and procedures used to standardize operations (Do it “by the book”)
- Usually associated with centralized authority (high centralization , 맥도날드 같은)
- Low formalization: Coordination by mutual adjustment rather than formal rules & procedures
- Usually associated with decentralized authority (unwritten rule을 중요하게 생각함, 구글 같은)
- Rules (written, no food in building etc… ) vs. Norms (it is about system, unwritten rules,)
- High formalization: Formal rules and procedures used to standardize operations (Do it “by the book”)
mechanistic vs organic organization
- Mechanistic organizations: structured to induce people to behave in a predictable, accountable manner (machine, predictability)
- Highly specialized tasks
- Integration through formal hierarchy
- Centralized decision-making (like cpu)
- Coordination through standardization with formal rules & procedures (각자 일이 명확해서 부서 간 갈등 거의 없음 clear distinction)
- Status-conscious environment with turf-protection behavior
- Organic organizations: structured to encourage flexibility and change (flexibility environment change 할 때 유용 )
- Joint specialization—tasks shared (→ team work 중요)
- Integration through teams & task forces
- Decentralized decision-making
- Coordination face-to-face, little standardization
- Expertise-conscious environment with sharing behavior (focus on idea, 누가 아이디어를 내었는지는 중요하지 않음)
contingency design approach (환경적 상황을 주요 변수로 두는, 상황론적 접근)
- uncertainty 에 competitive 우위를 갖기 위해서는 어떤 structure이 ? 적합한 structure을 선택해야함
- Structure is contingent upon sources of uncertainty facing organization
- Strategic planning process (threat&opportunity 찾기) identifies uncertainties and structure needs
- Allows for anything from mechanistic to organic structure
- Allows different structures for different parts of the organization