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[조직행동론] 직무설계_job design, job characteristic model, team based design, work schedule

조직행동론 Organizational Behavior

Chapter. Job design 

  • key definitions of job design
    • individually assing , 일의 내용, 범위, 책임, 업무특서을 정의하고 개선하는 것을 목표로 함
    • task: a piece of work to be done (교수: researching, teaching, ,,, → need to do both in order to be professor)
    • job: a collection of tasks that compose a complete job (더 큰 개념)
    • job design: allocation of specific tasks and objectives to employees’ jobs, thus creating “the nature of jobs”

craft approach

  • (traditional one)
  • a single skilled worker desings and builds product one at a time from biginning to end inefficiency
    • 애덤 스미스 division of labor : 1명의 장인은 6개 생산, 6명의 비숙련자는 36개가 아닌 100개를 생산 → efficiency
    • luxury goods 명품 은 hand made, craft, catgorized ↔ mass produced, computered design, made = efficiency, precision 을 increase 가능
  • the dominant approach to job design prior to the industrila revolution 1750s
  • showing a resurgence today 요즘 다시 부활중 some people tired of mass production → wanna be differnet

classical and scientific management approach

  • (indutrial revolution 이후 만연)
  • focus on work specialization (steam engine으로 시작 ford convey belt - dramatically increase defficiency + taylor time motion study - human movement 최소화, 70%의 previous movement 제거, unskilled 여러명 고용 블루칼라,, )
  • much vertical differentiation , much horizontal differentiation (manager : thinker — worker : doer)
  • job simplification : jobs kept simple & easy to learn → simple job 을 하는 사람들은 replace하기 쉬움 → 돈을 많이 줄 필요가 없음
  • workers specialize in very small number of tasks : 모던타임즈 (찰리채플린 1960s made) 1940s satire about typical manufacturing company (axes and cow 사람이 이렇게 변함) worker’s mental health 의 문제점 있음 even nowadays → need constructive labor union

alternative motivational apporach

  • (side effect를 해결하고자)
  • narrowly, simply divided job → 어떤 일을 하는지 모르고 그냥 일함
  • job rotation: employees systematically move from one job to another (하루는 망치, 다른날은 나사조이기 → simple job and another simple job : simplest remedy)
  • job enlargement: jobs given wider range of tasks (one job has more tasks, horizontal 하게 일하는 것)→ reduce efficiency
  • job enrichment: jobs offer higher level motivator (not horizontal but vertical, make decision 하는 기회가 주어짐) (effi low, motivation high)

job characteristic model

  • 1970s에 만들어진 모델로 여전히 사용중
  • model of job design that strives to produce high quality work experince and high productivity (five dimension of job : 얘네 높을수록 좋음)
    • skill variety : mix of tasks and skills (how many skill do i need to posses?)
    • task identity: job involes whole piece of work
      • craft: high level ↔ charlie chaplin : low level of task identity
    • task significance: job jas meaningful impact (important 하지 않더라도 meaningful 할 수 있음)
    • autonomy: job provides discretion and freedom (independent)
    • feedback: performing job informs the worker about his/her effectiveness (how well you are doing)




team based design

  • 최근 트렌드, increasing importancy of team in comtemporary company
  • 요즘 team 은 흔하지만 team based job design은 흔하지 않음
  • individual task 대신 collection task 를 주고 누가 어떤일을 할건지, 다같이할건지 등을 팀 내에서 정하도록 하는 것
  • groups of workers share joint responsibility for work
  • good news
    • job richer and more interesting
    • workers more highly involved (broader perspective , comprehensive understanding)
    • capitalize on joint knowledge, skills (한 사람이 모든 해결할수있는 지식을 가지고 있지는 않는다 !)
  • bad news
    • jobs harder to learn, work harder to coordinate
    • interpersonal conflict can occur, new communication and others skills needed

work schedule

  • job sharing : two or more part time employees jointly cover a traditional full time job (2명의 알바가 1명의 정직원을 대체하여 운영비를 줄임, 왜냐면 퇴직비 보험비 등이 안나가므로,,, 유럽에서는 higher pay to aprt time: unstable 하기 때문)
  • compressed work schedule: full time job done in less days (주 4일제, 10 hour shifts)
  • flextime: allows employee some discretion over which hours they work (교통 체증 피할 수 있음 8시간 근무만 채우면 됨 )
  • any time/any place work: allow employee discretion over when and where they work (위에 거의 더 extreme version)


