조직행동론 Organizational Behavior
Chapter. Personal characteristics
attitude and behavior, interrelationship
- attitude-behavior relationship
- attitude: belief, feeling, action plan associated with a stimulus object (object, person, group, experience,…)
- component: cognitive, affective (감정적인 것들 i hate them but dont know why), behavioral (whenever u see piano, u start hmming..)
- the base of certain attitude base on these three predominantly or multiple 영향
- formation: attitude are learned personal experience, associaton (related to previous experience지난학기 교수님 수업 좋으면 이번학기도 듣는) , social learning (indirect experience 친구가 별로라면 나도 안하는 그런)
- component: cognitive, affective (감정적인 것들 i hate them but dont know why), behavioral (whenever u see piano, u start hmming..)
important work attitude
- Job Satisfaction
- affective component of work and work-related attitudes (e.g., pleasure or displeasure)
- Self-assessment U.S. national norms
- Job Involvement
- degree to which the job is a central life interest,central to self-concept, and a choice of personal focus
- 나를 소개할 때 고대교수가 먼저 떠오름 → 높음 , 아버지 세대는 높을수록 good citizen 하지만 요즘은 너무 높으면 워커홀릭이란 말 들음
- Organizational Commitment
- degree of belief in the organization’s goals and values,willingness to exert effort for the organization, and desire to remain with the organization
- three dimensions of organizational commitment
- Normative
- Affective : 회사를 좋아함
- Investment : friendship, relationship, financial things 성과급 등
- attitude → behavior
- satisfaction → behavior like (timeline, atendacne, retention, union activity, performance…)
- involement → behavior like (timeline, atendacne, retention, union activity, performance…)
- commitment → behavior like (timeline, atendacne, retention, union activity, performance…)
ability and relationship with performance
- importnat abilty
- mental ability
- Verbal comprehension, Word fluency, Number aptitudes, inductive reasoning, Memory, Spatial aptitude, Perceptual speed, Cognitive complexity
- physical ability
- Basic : Explosive strength, Extent strength, Dynamic flexibility, Dynamic strength, Trunk strength, Static strength, Gross body coordination, Equilibrium, Stamina
- Psychomortor: Control precision, Multilimb coordination, Response orientation, Rate control, Manual dexterity, Finger dexterity Arm-hand steadiness, Reaction time, Aiming
- mental ability
- individual difference in ability
- 정규분포: 광화문 광장 등 사람이 많은 랜덤으로 모인 곳에 가면 늘 이런 양상을 보임 , 대칭적 분포, 종모양
- ability in context
- Performance is a function of ability and motivation moderated by situational and organizational factors
- 상황적 요인 : 환경적 요인은 사수가 별로다 등, 개인적 요인은 맞벌이다 등
- 조직적 요인 : 개인의 능력은 충분하지마 회사가 이를 발휘할 환경을 만들어주어야함
- capitalizing in org
- placement : placing right person in right place, misplacement
- selection : 1대1로 만나서 선택
- training : 수업을 듣는 것도 다 이 이유
personality and relationship with behavior
- personality
- A stable set of characteristics and tendencies
- Determines commonalities and differences in thoughts, feelings, and actions
- 영향을 주는 Element 4개 : heredity, family & social, early situaton, cultural
- 나의 성격이 어디서 왔는지 정확하게 아는 사람은 없음, 찰스다윈의 조력자 대다수가 셋째이상
- genetic vs environment: 일란성 쌍둥이에 대한 연구 → 태어난 이후 한번도 만난 적 없는 2명이 같은 이름을 가진 여자와 결혼, 같은 종의 반려동물, 같은 휴가 계획, 같은 종류의 담배를 피우는 것 등
- personal traits
- Tolerance for Ambiguity: Degree to which uncertainty causes discomfort, stress, and/or challenge
- Dogmatism: Cognitive style is rigid versus flexible (decision making에는 적합하지 않음)
- Authoritarianism : Status and power are considered appropriate and complied with
- Locus of Control: Internal and External : Tendency to attribute life events to internal or external forces
- Big-Five Factors
- Introversion-Extroversion
- Agreeableness
- Conscientiousness
- Emotional stability
- Openness to experience
- (trait는 변하지 않음 stable (키, 외모 등) — personality is not stable — state 는 낮은 수준의 stable (감정, 자신감 등)
- state ; change without intention, value : provide guidelines
- personal values
- Enduring beliefs about appropriate modes of conduct (instrumental values) and desired outcomes (terminal values)
- Provide guidelines as a person chooses his/her behavior and evaluates the behavior of others
- Are learned and, therefore, can change
- Cultural factors exerts a major influence on personal values