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[조직행동론] Change in organization

조직행동론 Organizational Behavior

Chapter. Change

  • change
    • species must change or they will die
      • dinosaur: some have failed to change and have died
      • person: some have changed and have thrived
      • organization, too, must change or die !

<Reactions to change>

  • leaving: 회사를 떠남
  • active resistance : 변화에 저항하겠다고 화를 내며 크게 이야기하는 여자, 다른 사람도 변화에 함께 반대하도록 끌어들임
  • opposition : 변화가 너무 빠른 것 같다고 슬로우 다운하겠다고 말로 조곤조곤 이야기하는 남자, 저항의 레벨이 위에꺼보다는 낮지만, opposition이 더 위험함
  • acquiescence : 대다수의 사람들이 이렇게 행동함,, 이유는 feeling powerless or 사회적인 압력 등
  • acceptance / modification : 좋은 아이디어에요 하지만, 이 부분은 바꾸면 더 좋을듯 해요라고 함, 중간 단계 매니저의 입장에서는 좋지는 않음
  • acceptance : 변화에 대해 긍정적
  • active support : 강력한 지지

<causes of reaction>

  • personal characteristics
  • gain/loss 
  • understanding
  • agreement
  • trust : rely on parents, friends…

<Techniques for Developing Support and Reducing Resistance>

  • education & communication
    • Information on the change
    • When the change will be introduced
    • How the change will be introduced
    • Why the change is necessary
    • Logic behind the change
    • Objectives that the change is expected to accomplish
    • ⇒ strategy issue : when/how to do education & communication
  • participation & involvement
    • Help define need
    • Help define objectives
    • Help define change
    • Help define change process
    • Help lead change process
    • participate in trials
    • ⇒ strategy issue : when/how to do participation & involvement
  • facilitative support
    • Time
    • skill training
    • Funding
    • Consultation
    • Hardware
    • Software
    • Infrastructure
    • other
    • ⇒ strategy issue : when/how to do facilitative support
  • emotional support
    • Information on common reactions
    • Reasonable goals
    • Expectation of and support for anxiety
    • Understanding
    • Formal programs (e.g., EAPs)
    • ⇒ strategy issue : when/how to do emotional support
  • incentive and rewards
    • Responsibility
    • Growth opportunity
    • Challenge
    • Visibility
    • Intrinsic rewards
    • Financial rewards
    • Recognition
    • Promotion
    • ⇒ strategy issue : when/how to do incentives & rewards
  • manipulation (좋지 않은 방식) 
    • manipulation of information provided to make change look promising
    • False promises of support
    • Incentives that become bribes 
    • Figurehead roles to co-opt resistance
    • ⇒ strategy issue : when/how to do manipulation & co-optation
  • coercion (좋지 않은 방식)
    • Support change or lose pay opportunities
    • Support change or lose job
    • Support change or not get promoted
    • Support change or be embarrassed
    • ⇒ strategy issue : when/how to do coercion


  • change attitudes
    • Cognitive : higher score → a person believes change produces positive effects for individual coworkers and organization (change produces higher effect)
    • affective : higher score → a person looks forward to change and enjoy it (다른게 높아도 이게 낮으면 may not be happy)
    • Behavioral Tendency : higher score → a person tends to initiate and/or support change

<personality & change>

  1. tolerance for ambiguity
  2. higher score → better able person is comfortable with uncertainty
  3. Dogmatism(dogmatism 에만 집중을 하면 : core idea of change fits with dogmatic mindset → strong support, if not → strong resistance)
  4. higher score → more rigid a person's belief system (for example, they like to know the rules and follow them and apply old solutions to new problems)
  5. authoritarianism
  6. higher score → stronger person’s belief (1) power and status should be clearly defined and respected,(2) there should be a formal organizational hierarchy of authority
  7. Internal Locus of Control(내가 힘을 행사햇을 때 바뀔 수 있다고 생각이들면 행동을 적극적으로 하게 됨)
  8. higher score → more a person believes that his or her abilities and efforts influence successes and failures (internal cause)
  9. external locus of control(people in the middle, i dont have much influence that something happen to me)
  10. higher score → more a person believes that other people, circumstances, or luck influence his or her successes and failures

<the process of change in the change manager perspective>

  1. change identification
    • recognize need for change → identify nature of change clear understanding about why and what this change is needed
  2. implementation planning
    • situational diagnosis → general strategy selection → support techniques selection necessity and nature of changes → we carefully assess our in&external situation
  3. implement change
    • unfreezing → changing → refreezing kurt lewin : unfreezing the status quo, movement to a desired end state, and refreezing new change to make it permanent unfreezing 
  4. evaluate change
    • data collection → data evaluation
  5. feedback

<the process of change in the change manager perspective>
