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[조직행동론] Motivation

조직행동론 Organizational Behavior

Chapter. Group development

  • Key point
    • everyone is motivated !
    • motivation is an issue of direction and intensity !

<theories of motivation>

동기부여이론 - 5가지의 동기부여이론에 대해 다룹니다.

  • need theory
    • basic concepts
      • people have a complex set of needs
      • People are motivated to meet their needss
      • When needs are met, satisfaction is experienced
      • When needs are not met, dissatisfaction is experienced
    • maslow’s hierarchy of needs
      • There is a hierarchy of five needs
      • As each need is substantially satisfied, the next need becomes dominant
    • alderfer’s ERG theory
      • existence, relatedness, growth 생존욕구, 관계욕구, 성장욕구
      • a contemporary perspective 좀 더 현실적인 관점
      • 머슬로의 5단계 욕구이론을 수정 → 개인의 욕구를 3단게로 단순화시킴 하급 단계로부터 상급 단계로만 진행하는 것이 아니라 반대의 방향으로도 이행한다. 생존욕구가 충족되어 상위 욕구인 관계욕구를 추구하다 실패하면, 다시 전 단계인 생존욕구로 이행한다
      • 머슬로는 satisfaction - progression 중심, 앨더퍼는 frustration - regression 요소도 포함
  • reinforcement theory
    • People learn from the consequences of their behavior
    • Stimulus - Behavior (response) - Consequence
    • learning mechanisms
      • Positive reinforcement: following a response with something pleasant
      • Negative reinforcement: following a response by termination or withdrawal of something unpleasant
      • punishment: causing an unpleasant condition
      • Non-reinforcement (extinction): eliminating any reinforcement that is maintaining a behavior
      • SHAPING : Reinforcing closer and closer approximations to a target behavior, A complex application of these other learning mechanisms
    • schedules of reinforcement (언제 어떻게 얼마나 자주 해야할까?)
      • continuous : all the time whenever they do same behavior
      • intermittent : from time to time instead of all the time
        • fixed ratio : 자동차 10대 판매시 마다 보너스
        • variable ratio : vending machine in casino
        • fixed interval : christmas bonus, monthly last friday pay check
        • variable interval : pop quiz
  • goal setting theory
    • goals define a target for people
    • goals help identify needed amount of intensity
    • goal difficulty : difficult enough goal
    • goal specificity: 좋은아빠, 좋은 시민은 이 관점에서 제대로된 목표가 아님, useless,, end of weekend라는 모호한 단어도 좋지않음, 명확하게 날짜 명시,목표 명시 필요
    • goal acceptance: 목표가 어렵고 명확하더라도,, 사람들이 accept하지 않는다면 의미없음
    • goal commitement: accept에서 더 나아가서 실제 참여

goal setting theory


  • equity theory
    • people compare their outcomes to their inputs (= basic assumption)
    • people compare their own situation to that of others
    • consequences of equity
      • perceived equity → satisfaction → motivation to maintain outcome to input ratio
    • consequences of inequity

consequences of inequity



  • expectancy theory
    • an integrating theoryintensity is developed logically
    • people choose their direction rationally
    • expectancy theory components
      • expectancy — if i try, will i succeed?
      • instrumentality — if i succeed, what are the consequences?
      • valence — how do i feel about the consequences?
    • model 
    • expanded model
      • organizational factors : 산업인데 회사에서 자금 지원을 안해줘서 나만 낮은 레벨의 버전을 쓰는 등 …
      • personal factors: 컴과전공인데 마케팅을 하는 등,, 경험 부족, 전공부적합 등 ..
      • intrinsic outcomes: 보상을 못 받더라도,, i like my job bcs i make significant contribution
      • additional factors: distributive justice, social equity

expectancy theory - model
expectancy theory - expanded theory
