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[조직행동론] Leadership 1

조직행동론 Organizational Behavior

Chapter. Leadership

<interpersonal power>

  • interpersonal power: The ability to influence others and maintain control over your own fate
  • A can have power over B ⇒ iff A controls something B desire (person A has power over B)
  • Bases Of Power 6가지
    • formal power
      • legitimate power: Exists when one person believes that another person has the right to influence him or her (authority)
      • reward power :Exists when one person believes another person can and will provide or withhold rewards (coercive power과 반대인 것) 
      • coercive power : Exists when one person believes another person can and will provide or withhold punishment
    • personal power
      • referent power (charismatic) : Exists when one person finds another attractive and wants to be associated with or affiliated with that person
      • expert power: comes from expertise, Exists when one person believes another person has desired expertise and is willing to share or withhold it
    • resource power
      • Exists when one person believes that another person has desired (nonexpert) resources and is willing to share or withhold them
  • principles of power
    • Power is perception based
    • Power is relative 
    • Power bases must be coordinated 
    • Power is a double-edged sword (used and abused)
    • great power comes from great responsibility


  • An interpersonal process in which influence is exercised in a social system for the achievement of organizational goals by others
  • Purpose
    • To achieve organizational and personal goals
    • To develop commitment to the organization
    • To be satisfied with the leadership process
  • neutralizers & substitutes for leadership
    • neaturalizers : Factors that reduce the ability of leaders to exert influence 
    • substitutes : Factors that reduce the necessity for leadership

    • potential neutralizers
      • Indifference toward (or unavailability of) organizational rewards
      • Low leader position power
      • Environmental inflexibility (e.g., rigid rules & procedures) (interpersonal process, they negotiate, they undertand, compromise, talk to each other, but when the environment is lacking flexibility → everything is laid out rules .. theres no room to be autonomous)
      • Limited interaction of leaders and followers
    • potential substitutes
      • Follower ability, training, and experience
      • Professional orientation of followers
      • Task structure (routine, unambiguous)
      • Feedback from the task itself
      • Intrinsically satisfying tasks
      • Work group cohesiveness
      • Formalization (e.g., plans, goals, responsibilities)
      • (potential candidates of substitutes for leadership) → can increase more effective leadership
  • organizing perspective → 2가지와 2가지를 결합해보아서 총 4가지의 경우의수를 만들어볼 수 있음
    이 부분은 다음 포스팅에서 자세하게 다루도록 하겠다
    • focal construct : trait vs behavior
      • Good leaders are born vs Anyone can become a good leader
    • theoretical approach : contingent vs universal
      • Match leader to situation vs Anyone can become a good leader
