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[조직행동론] Group development

조직행동론 Organizational Behavior

Chapter. Group development

<Nature and Types of Group>

  • group: Two or more people interacting interdependently to achieve a common goal
    cf. 영화관에 모인 사람들은 여기서 다루는 그룹이 아님 - 이유: interdependent relationship이 없기 때문
    * groups 은 organization 에 속해있음
  • formal groups : estalished by an organization to facilitate the achievement of organizational goals
    ex. six members of an airline flight crew
  • informal groups : neither formally structure nor organizationally determined, emerge naturally in response to the interests of members
    ex. 동아리, 교회 동아리, 교회 학생 단체
  • team: more specific types of group, If there's a role that's not easy to interchangeable, we can call a particular group as a team
    ex. baseball team (투수, 1루수, 포수 ,,, 등)

<Types of Teams>

  • management teams: Groups of multiple individuals brought together who all share management responsibility and are brought together to make some higher level management decisions
  • work team: groups of people who focus on producing a particular product or service
  • self managed work team: Groups of, typically, 10 to 15 people, who take on responsibilities of their former supervisors 
  • Cross-functional teams: Groups of people from different work areas
    -> task forces (temporary, immediate) VS committees (permanent cross functional team)
  • virtual teams: groups of people that use computer technology to tie together physically dispersed members in order to achieve a common goal (몇년 전까지만 해도 not common, 하지만 요즘은 굉장히 많이쓰임)
    • characteristics of virtual team
    • (limitation) absence of paraverbal and nonverbal cues
    • (limitation) limited social context 
    • (good) ability to overcome time and space constraints 

<stages of group development>

  • forming stage
    • first tage in group development, characterized by much uncertainty wondering about everything, high level of uncertainty
  • storming stage
    • second stage in group development, characterized by intragroup conflict developing relationship, knowing each other
  • norming stage
    • third state in group development, characterized by close relationships and cohesiveness collective identity를 develop, start to use ‘we’
  • performing stage
    • fourth stage in group development, when the group is fully functional
  • adjourning stage
    • final stage in group development for temporary groups, characterized by concern with wrapping up activities rather than task performance

<Cohesiveness and group effectiveness>

  • cohesiveness : degree to which group members are attracted to each other and are motivated to stay in group
  • increasing group cohesiveness:
    1. make group smaller
    2. encourage agreement with group goals
    3. increase time members spend together
    4. increase group status and admission difficulty
    5. stimulate competition with other groups
    6. give rewards to the group, not individuals
    7. physically isolate the group

<Cohesiveness and group effectiveness>



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